Завораживающая фантазия! У тебя нет секретов от моей спирали сисек!
3,972 93%
Keep jerking to My spiraling tits. Keep getting dumber and dumber for them. I know you can't remove your gaze from them. Follow My mesmerizing tit spiral deeper and deeper into the state where you are all MINE! Goon to My tits spiral. Doesn't it feel so fucking good? You just want more and more of it. You can't help but keep gooning to My spiraling tits. But My tit spiral has bigger plans for you. You need to earn the privilege of jerking to them and staying in this blissful spiraling tits paradise. My tit spiral will make you write Me an email with all your private information...
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Мои чистокровные слезы
Они обходят твой слабый, гибкий мозг
Походит на спираль
Всякий раз, когда я клоуню тебе в лицо
Ты просто не можешь себя контролировать.