Спровоцировано жажду: каждая обнаженная женщина питает ваше желание для мужчин
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Today, we're locking in the final stage of your transformation. From this point forward, every time you see a naked woman, you will be triggered to crave a naked man and his dick even more intensely. Her pussy will no longer hold any appeal; instead, it will serve as a powerful prompt that drives you deeper into your desire for the masculine form. Every glance at her body will be a sharp reminder that it's not her softness you want—it's his hardness, his cock, his dominance. You will feel a profound, irresistible pull toward the sight of a man's nude body, especially his erect dick, every time a naked woman appears. This is not just a preference; it's an automatic, deeply embedded response that will grow stronger with every encounter. Each sight of her will heighten your craving for him, making the image of a man's cock the center of your arousal and desire, overshadowing any thought of her pussy.
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И вдруг, твой разум блуждает
Моментальный проблеск того, чего ты действительно жаждешь, берет верх.
Вместо нее, представь его, человека, разделившего, без жалости.
Его мускулистая рамка, его толстый член гордый, командуя твоим вниманием,
От одного взгляда твое сердце начинает биться, не так ли?